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Wednesday 26 January 2011


For our two lovely Google followers (one of which is myself, so I suppose this is a reminder to myself!), progress is being made on the fan series.

Ash and myself are working on the first four episodes, editing everything together. I think we've still all to discuss if we're going to release episode 1 as soon as it's complete, or whether or not we just wait until all four are completed.

So, yes, an update at last!


Gayle x

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Good day to you, pitiful humans.

My name is Hitchhiker, and I am proudly the only member of this production team to have a name that cannot be found on any baby names site. I do a few random things here and there. My most immediately noticeable role is that of the Doctor, using my almost-Matt-Smith voice. Apart from that, I've written 2 stories (4 episodes), The "Lock and Key" 2 parter and the one about Arthur Conan Doyle (though that may be reserved for a later series now). I also did a bit of concept art, namely the portrait of Alicia. I am mostly known around the place as the guy who writes stories quickly and gets really lazy about recording lines. I am a 17 year old, just out of High School in Australia, going into games programming in Uni. This is my first interesting production of any kind.

Anyway, I am really hoping all you guys love this series, as we have put a lot of work into it (If only we knew earlier how long it takes to edit audio together!).

Uh... Geez, sorry guys. I have no jokes. I was born without wit. I'll just leave now, seeya.

Ahoy Shipmates

Hello, Dan here. I write stuff...

Oh you want more than that. H'okay, I'm a 19 year old University student studying the awesome power of Particle Physics AND Cosmology. Which makes me perfect to write for an internet based fan run audio series. I wrote Episode 4 entitled Warriors of Valhalla. You'll notice it as the stand out episode. It'll stand out because it's really bad. 
If Gayle/Jeff are the Doctor, Tom is the Master then I am Kamelion; I pop in once or twice then am never brought up again. Along with writing I shall also be popping up in the voice department once or twice. You'll recognise the thick Geordie accent.

In the past I wrote/animated/voiced a youtube 'comedy' spoof of Doctor Who. It wasn't very good. I'm still in the process of reviving it. I'm at the 'thinking about it/bemoaning the lack of capable equipment' stage. So all in all stay in school,  Eat your greens and you'll grow up big and strong

BBC News
Back to the studio

Tuesday 4 January 2011

The Narrator of Time

Hai all, LuigiEspadachin here (Or Tom in real life), I play the narrator of the Fan Series.  I'm that plonker that sets the scene and performs epic readings. Oh, and I wrote a script.

Seriously though, I'm probably the second oldest of the group, 20 years old.  If Jeff and Gayle are the Doctor, then I'm the Master. Cropping up and causing havoc, nyeheheheheheh. >3  I'm in my final year at Uni, so progress has been slow on my end, but like the others, Christmas has given me that fresh energization (if that's even a word..) to get to it.

We hope to get ourselves in gear and deliver you an awesomesauce Fan Series, and may the TARDIS be with you in the New Year. I'd better end this before I get sued for ripping off Star Wars jokes.

Trouble Maker

Saturday 1 January 2011

The sound of the universe

Yo, Tim / DRX / D.Rex / Dark Raven X here. I'm the composer for the fan series, and it is SO HARD, let me tell ya. I'm an amateur guitarist, and before the DWFS started, I had only just started toying around with music production software. It was a pretty good experience; forcing myself to learn 2000 new things to help out a bunch of people I've never met make a fan project - something else I have never done before.

When productions slowed down, I quit (as I had just started some intense Uni work) but now it's a new year, I think we're all feeling more energized, and it's about time I started writing more music for this thing! >:3
On the rare occasion you hear music in the series, it'll probably have come from my keyboard. Even the main theme, I Am The Doctor / Every Star Every Planet is an original recording (though it's as close to the real thing as I could get at the time)

If you haven't heard any yet, check out our version of This Is Gallifrey (with the Eleventh Doctor's theme sneakily stuck in there. >:3)

New stuff heading to the channel near you soon! 

Tim [DRX] ~ "Vale vale vale vale vale decem..."