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Tuesday 2 November 2010

Welcome to THE BLOG! Dun-Dun-Dunnnn!

Epic. Isn't it? It's almost as if this is a proper blog. The only thing stopping it from being a proper blog is that this blog is bloggerless. That's right. It is I, Ash, who is writing to you. And I, Ash, have no blogging experience what-so-ever. Therefore I am not a blogger.

Though... now I am. So since after I post this, I'll be a blogger. And this blog won't be blogger-less. Therefore making this a proper blog.

Have I got this right? Could any mathematicians/physicians/both correct my equations if wrong?

Blog + Blogger = Proper Blog

Blog - Proper Blog = - Blogger

Blog = Proper Blog - Blogger

. .   Blogger = Proper Blog - Blog


Anyhoo, this is where you'll get posts from us, the peeps over at the Fan Series about progress, episode details, stuff and sometimes (mostly) nonsensical nonsense. Good day to you, ladies and gentlemen. I shall return with a completely mind-blowing post soon. Or not so soon. Or maybe Alex will post something mind-blowing before me, therefore rendering me completely useless.

Ash Emritte
- Head Poncho
Doctor Who Fan Audio Series

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