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Sunday 14 November 2010

Hello from Christine

Hellooooooo there! Christine here (better known as the Doctor's companion, Alicia)

I hope we still have some fans out there, if so you must be very impatient (as am I!) to finally hear episode 1, but everything needs to be in place first and I am sure the wait will be worth it!

I am a massive DW fan but only got in to it about 18 months ago when I 'accidentally' saw Forest Of The Dead and I thought hang on, this show is AWESOME! I'd seen some Christmas specials and the very first episode but they must have been wearing a perception filter or summat as the genius and majesty of DW completely passed me by! I have made up for lost time since and seen every episode at least 3 times.

Being involved in the Fan Series has been great and long may it continue! (Please don't write Alicia out!!!) Or if they do maybe the next companion will sound oddly familiar :)

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