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Saturday 27 November 2010

It's all very exciting!

After God knows how many months of the nothingness in the Void (well, apart the Daleks and the Cybermen and the whatnot), we're finally coming back to life again! Even though progress is going very slowly, people are posting again! The Fan Series forum where we work is at least 1% more lively than it was, say, two or three weeks ago. This means the total percentage of liveliness on the work forum is... uh... let's see, let me do the calculations... 0 + 1= 1... 1%!


To you guys this might not be as exciting. You probably care more about the progress and how everything's coming along nicely. Or how it should be coming along nicely. But it's exciting to us. Exciting because because of this little extra percentage of liveliness things are moving along slightly. Yes, I know I repeated 'because' twice, but it makes sense in the sentence. Anyway, the train has started moving again. We've got a few more lines in for Episode 4. I've thrown all my homework into the bin and this has allowed me to get on with editing Episode 2. We only need to keep this sort of thing consistent and lively. And to keep the engines going, the fire needs to keep burning. And to keep the fire burning... you need more coal. Or some form of renewable energy, if you're on of those green people (Martians, I think they're called).

Ash Emritte
 -Head Poncho
Doctor Who Fan Audio Series

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