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Thursday 30 December 2010

"Bloody hell!" I hear you cry.

That's right lads and ladies. Two posts in one day. We're too nice to you!

Anyway, hey guys, my names Alex, otherwise known as JeffAndTheWorld/JeffAlex/JeffAlexo/Jeff. Call me what you please! My main job for the Fan Series is writing. I've written two episodes, Method in the Madness, and Morte del Tempo. I've done a small bit of voice acting too, as Man In Corridor in episode one, and General Coco in episode two. I do very little else. I'm a lazy sod! Though apparently, I'm also Second-in-Command. Crazy.

I'm seventeen myself, putting me at third-youngest crew member I believe. However, like my good friend Gayle, just below, I like to think I'M the Doctor, because I bear the greatest resemblance to Mr Matt Smith. And because i'm clever, and cool, and awesome. Just because, really.

As my good friend Gayle also said, we are not dead. Good thing too, or this post would be coming at you from beyond the grave. Today, the 30/12/2010, or perhaps the 12/30/2010, depending on where you live, after about 2 weeks of next to no posts being made on our message board, we've restarted. We have to be careful the Internet doesn't explode, to tell you the truth. So, if we ever were dead, it seems Christmas has given us a much-needed, and healing-miracle-like, kick up the backside. It worked, needless to say.

And, with my final reference to my good friend Gayle below, I too wish you all a very merry messy (late) Christmas, and a marvellous New Year. And it will be marvellous. Doctor Who Series 6, and Doctor Who Fan Series 1. What more could you ask for?!

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